السارق المحترف
Zz Key Dongle BB Factory 0.07 Cracked
Today we're releasing ZzKey BlackBerry Module Latest.
Reason for release is because we noticed ZzKey Team is now dead project and will no longer continue operation. We also got many requests from users about ZzKey Crack due to dead project. So today we're releasing the first module which will be the BlackBerry Module latest version.
ZzKey Blackberry module is mainly for unlocking, repairing and flashing. I could not get much information over the web but whenever you might need a blackberry module you can call up on this tool and give it a try.
Known Bug:
For calculate unlock codes. I think it silently tries to read from server and no response gives bogus unlock code. You can always read code direct with USB or use some third party software to calculate codes. Also when you click stop, it doesn't show stopped but operation stopped, just not showing. Once click stop, just continue using any other operation. Any additional bug found. Then click on our facebook page and contact us.
Download link: >> Setup + Crack <<
(Pass: gsmx)
How to use:
1. Download and install
2. Run shortcut on desktop
3. Click start on loader
4. Done!
Additional Info:
You also get the opportunity to flash ZzKey files from gsmhosting or from server if any available on server.
Files link:
We'll release the other modules soon...
Thanks for downloading.
Have a nice day!
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